Animals Wiki
Indian elephant 7
Piglet’s elephant

FInny the shark

each Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) needs 200-300 square km of forest to sustain it - a tall order in some of the most densely populated areas on Earth. Habitat destruction and ivory poaching have driven this revered creature into ever smaller pockets of land and there are only about 40,000 at most left in the wild. The elephant has long been a symbol of wisdom in India and man's association with it goes back 5000 years. It is an important part of the country's folklore and, under the control of a mahout, or handler, the elephant has played a major role in the transport of goods and people, in heavy forestry and agricultural work and as a hunting platform. It eats and drinks a prodigious amount: 150kg of vegetation and 140 litres of water per day. It strips the bark off a large branch by rotating it in its mouth with its trunk and peeling with its teeth - rather as a person eats corn on the cob.

