Animals Wiki

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Welcome to Animals Wikia

The place where you can find animals around the world, from mammals to birds to reptiles to even dinosaurs.

Animals by Media

You can also find animals by media rather be Disney, DreamWorks, Animal Jam and Kemono Friends. It's all right here.

Welcome to Animals Wikia
Animals by Media

Animals are cool! We have real, extinct and even imaginary creatures. A roaring lion, venomous snakes, and sharp toothed-crocodiles are a few things that make animals Cool!

About Animals Wiki

Animals wiki is a wiki that containing about animals in media and their appearances in Cartoon, Movie, Series, book, ETC.


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Animals in Locations
Asiatic Striped SquirrelBengal TigerIndian Runner DuckMarsh CrocodilePlain ParakeetStriped HyenaTiger Snake
ArmadilloAnacondaAmazon River DolphinAmazon WeaselAhaetulla NasutaAnteatersAmerican CrowAfrican Forest ElephantBeeBaltimore Oriole BirdBluebirdsCougar (Puma)ChinchillaCaimanChickenCondorCapuchin MonkeyCoyoteCrabCapybaraCrested PorcupineCotton-Top TamarinDomestic DuckDeer MouseDodoEmerald Tree BoaEastern Lubber GrasshopperEastern CottontailEuropean RabbitFlat-Backed Spider TortoiseFlying FoxesGray HawkGiant Fishing SpiderGreen IguanaGray FoxGray RatsnakeGossamer-Winged ButterfliesGrizzly BearHarpy EagleHowler MonkeyJaguarKinkajouLadybugLeptictidiumMitchell's Rainforest SnailMonarch ButterflyManed WolfMorpho ButterflyMullet FishMetridiochoerusNorth American River OtterNew World WarblerOgygoptynx OwlOrinoco CrocodileSumatran OrangutanPygmy MarmosetPhilippine Flying LemurQueen (Butterfly)Red-Eyed Tree FrogRufous HummingbirdRussian TortoiseRing-Tailed LemurSlothSpider MonkeySpectacled BearScarlet MacawSouth American CoatiSouth American TapirSumatran RhinocerosStriped SkunkToucansTree FrogsTarantulasWhite-Lipped PeccaryWoodpeckerWhite-Crowned SparrowWhirligig BeetlesWhite-Tailed Deer
AndrewsarchusChinchillaCreech OwlEurasian Cave LionsGray FoxGlowwormLittle Brown BatMegabatRing-Tailed LemurShort-faced BearsToxodonsTitanis
Tall Grass
Cougar (Puma)Clydesdale HorseCoyoteManed WolfSouthern OstrichYellow-Billed CuckooWhite-Tailed Deer
Amazon River DolphinAustralian Green Tree FrogAndean Mountain CatArabian OstrichAlpacaCougar (Puma)ChinchillaCondorCoyoteColorado ChipmunkGray-Bellied Mountain RatGolden GuernseyGuanacoFlamingoJaguarKomodo DragonLlamaMississippi Green WatersnakeMountain GorillaMountain BeaverPrairie FalconOrinoco CrocodileTurkey VultureVicuñaWhistling DucksWhite-Tailed DeerWhite-Tailed Eagle
Fiddler CrabNorth American River OtterOrinoco CrocodilePlatypus
FlamingoOrinoco CrocodileSeahorses
Amazonian ManateeBlue Sea StarButterfly RayBottlenose DolphinBlue-Ringed OctopusCaribbean Reef SharkClownfishColossal SquidGreen Sea TurtleGiant Pacific OctopusesGreat White SharkHumpback WhaleHawksbill Sea TurtleHammerhead SharkCaribbean Hermit CrabLion's Mane JellyfishLeatherback Sea TurtleOrcaPygmy SeahorseSquidSperm WhaleShore CrabsSeahorsesStarfishSea OtterSea KraitWhale Shark
Polar regions
Adélie PenguinArctic FoxArctic TernBlue WhaleBeluga WhaleChinstrap PenguinEmperor PenguinEared SealGentoo PenguinMacaroni PenguinMachairodusPolar BearLaughing GullReindeerSouth Polar SkuaSnowy OwlWalrusesPolar Bear
Green Land
Brontoscorpio AnglicusDesert KingsnakeDomestic Bactrian CamelCamelFennec FoxGiant Hairy ScorpionLong-Eared JerboaSeagullSand CatSpeckled Cape Tortoise
Desert Cactus
Cape PorcupineCoyoteCougar (Puma)Desert IguanaDesert CottontailGray FoxPrairie DogPampas CatRing-Necked PheasantRoadrunnerWhite-Lipped Peccary
Bottomland Hardwood
GooseRed-Shouldered Hawk
African ElephantAfrican Bush ElephantAfrican LionAfrican CheetahAfrican Dwarf FrogAfrican Grey HornbillAfrican LeopardAardvarkAardwolfAfrican Helmeted TurtleAfrican Golden WolfAfrican Wild DogAfrican WildcatAfrican Rock PythonAmerican CockroachAntAfrican BuffaloAfrican Clawless OtterAfrican Black DuckAfrican Hawk-EagleAfrican Harrier-HawkAgama Agama (Agama Batu Kepala Merah)African Spurred TortoiseArsinoitheriumAmebelodonsBlack RhinocerosBotswanan Long-eared BatBanded MongooseBohor ReedbuckBlack-backed JackalBlack-Necked Spitting CobraBlue WildebeestBlack-Tailed Prairie DogCommon WarthogCattle EgretOstritchCape BushbuckCrested PorcupineCommon ChimpanzeeChacma BaboonCommon HippopotamusDomestic Water BuffaloDragonflyEgyptian CobraEthiopian WolfElkEmperor ScorpionFour-toed HedgehogFire SkinkGreater KuduGemsbokGiant ElandGrey Crowned CraneGreat Blue TuracoGiant African SnailGreen Bee-EaterGreater FlamingoGrant's ZebraGrey-Headed BushshrikeGreylag GooseGenetGround PangolinGynanisa MajaGlossina Morsitans MorsitansGiant TeratornsHoney BadgerHippopotamusHouseflyHamerkopHorned GopherImpalaKlipspringerKelenkenLadybugLesser Egyptian JerboaLygodactylus WilliamsiMeerkatMandrillMorpho ButterflyMartial EagleMacroeuphractusMoeritheriumsNile CrocodileNuttaliellaOxpeckerOkapiOlive BaboonPlains ZebraPied CrowParaceratheriumsQuaggaRed-Crowned CraneRuppell's VultureRock HyraxRock Monitor LizardReticulated GiraffeSpotted HyenaSable AntelopeSenegal BushbabyScrub HareServalSouthern Red BishopSclerophrys RegularisSmith's Red Rock HareScincus ScincusSmilodonThomson's GazelleTanzanian Red-Billed HornbillTrachylepis StriataTrachylepis SulcataTrachylepisTrachylepis QuinquetaeniataVeiled ChameleonVervet MonkeyWest African GiraffeWhite-Backed VultureWildebeestWestern Honey BeeWestern Yellow WagtailWhite-Necked RavenWhite RhinocerosYellow-Billed StorkYellow BaboonYellow Golden MoleZanzibar Red Colobus
African Rainforest
Boobie BirdCommon Brown LemurFossaGiant TortoiseKomodo DragonMouse LemurMadagascan Flying FoxNile CrocodilePhoenicopterus FlamingoRing-Tailed LemurSifaka LemurTomato FrogTenrecs
Snow Mountain
Giant Panda
Bamboo Mountain
Giant Panda • Snow Leopard
Rocky Cave
North-Chinese Leopard
DingoEastern Grey KangarooKoalaKookaburraMegabatRed KangarooShort-Beaked Echidna


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We are going to make new pages

Wildlife expert issues plea after finding rare animal wandering along country road: 'Let us know' - The Cool Down - - 2025/02/16 03:45

Wildlife expert issues plea after finding rare animal wandering along country road: 'Let us know'  The Cool Down...

WATCH: Animals enjoy Valentine's treats at Florida aquarium - - - 2025/02/16 03:12

WATCH: Animals enjoy Valentine's treats at Florida aquarium

18 animals find fur-ever homes at speed dating event - WRDW - - 2025/02/16 03:09

18 animals find fur-ever homes at speed dating event  WRDW...

Rockford shelter fundraises to save animals in need - - - 2025/02/16 02:38

Rockford shelter fundraises to save animals in need

Cat person or dog person? It’s which animal we loathe that matters in the end | Andrew Anthony - The Guardian - - 2025/02/16 02:26

Cat person or dog person? It’s which animal we loathe that matters in the end | Andrew Anthony  The Guardian...

Associated Wikis[]

If you are interested in prehistoric animals, go to Prehistoric Wiki
